• PainStation - Permainan Untuk Orang Yang Tahan Sakit

    Category: , By mader

    PainStation was created by two German designers.
    It's almost a normal Pong game. But when you lose you don't
    just feel the dissapointment, you also feel pain.
    Your left hand is positioned on the Pain Execution Unit
    and missing the ball results in different types of pain.
    You may feel heat, punches or electroshocks of varying
    duration depending where the ball hits.
    The game ends when one of the players decides that he had enough pain.

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    ish menyiksa diri betul...
    My recent post Me vs Movie (VIII)
    Hurmm..game cenggini memg dilarang agama Islam utk umatnya kerana mendatangkan kemudaratan..please all Muslims please don't try this at home..
    kenapa nak seksa sendiri dengan permainan tu?.......hye,,,,,,
    My recent post I found something new…….(competition)
    ouchH!!! sgt sakit kot~
    rsnyer....kt jepun pun ader painstation ni~ tp lagik hardcore...tp dier cam reality...saper gelak kene sakit~

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